Quality, emblem of customer loyalty

Aviputna on Village Life – TVR 1

Aviputna is the story of a responsible business that has outdone itself due to the exceptional qualities of its manager, Dr. Ștefan Balaban, who has transformed his personal vision into a successful business.

Ferma Aviputna Golești notează încă un succes în palmaresul său: ouăle brandului ”Din Ogradă” au obținut o stea pentru gust și calitate! 91 de bucătari renumiți din …

Aviputna is the story of a responsible business that has outdone itself due to the exceptional qualities of its manager, Dr. Ștefan Balaban, who has …

On World Egg Day we succeded in preparing the biggest omlette in Vrancea. We managed to cook almost 1000 eggs and the whole event enjoyed …

Aviputna S.R.L.
Victory Street, no. 40,
Golești Commune, Vrancea County, Romania

Tel.: (+40) 728.304.992
Tel.: (+40) 723.597.271
Fax: (+40) 372.252.993

E-mail: office@aviputna.ro
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