Quality, emblem of customer loyalty

Open Doors Day

We organized „Open Doors Day” so that all citizens from Focșani could come and meet us in our own yard. On this occasion, we publicly invited the representatives of media, the City Hall, the Environment Agency, as well as any other person who wanted to visit our „home”.

They were all very curios about our activity and also very impressed with with our technology.

We plan to organize even more activities like this, in order to come closer to our consumers.



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Aviputna S.R.L.
Victory Street, no. 40,
Golești Commune, Vrancea County, Romania

Tel.: (+40) 728.304.992
Tel.: (+40) 723.597.271
Fax: (+40) 372.252.993

E-mail: office@aviputna.ro
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